Choosing the right credit card can be tough for those trying to find the right card for their needs and lifestyle. With so many options, how do you really know which card is best? To help you out, we’ve put together a list of the best credit cards for certain situations.
Best Flat-Rate Cash Back Card- Citi® Double Cash Card
Earn up to 2% cashback
No cash back cap
No annual fee
Introductory APR period for balance transfers
Foreign transaction fee
Balance transfer fee
Lack of benefits seen in competitor’s annual fee cards
No introductory 0% APR on purchases
Best Entry-Level Travel Card- Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card
Earn 2x points on dining and travel
Transfer points to travel partners at a 1:1 rate
Plenty of travel and shopping protection
$95 annual fee
No intro APR offer
Best Cashback Card- Chase Freedom Flex℠
No annual fee
Earn 5% rewards when activated
Best travel reward rates
Generous reward rates in many other categories
Only 1% cashback rewards rate on groceries
Travel bookings must be made via Chase to earn 5% cashback
Best Card for Dining- American Express® Gold Card
High rewards earnings possibilities
Add up to 5 authorized users for 0 additional fees
Can choose from regular or rose gold versions
Points transfer option to many partners
No lounge benefits
High APR for pay overtime feature
Limited options to carry a balance
High pay overtime penalty APR
Best Flexible Travel Rewards Card- Chase Sapphire Reserve®
$300 annual travel credit
Point transfers to hotel and airline partner programs
Up to 3x rewards
Welcome bonus
High regular APR
High annual fee of $550 (not waived in the first year)
No intro APR offer
Excellent credit recommended